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Nightly Phone Rosary - 8 PM, 7 days a week

Dial  (605) 468-8016      357090#

Since September 2018, the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) has been hosting a nightly Rosary call for the healing of the Church, healing from the COVID pandemic and for callers’ personal intentions.  Everyone (men, women, children, non-CCW members) is welcome to join us any night of the week or every night of the week. How often is up to you.  How about once a month on your birthdate?

Please join us at 8:00 p.m. as we read meditations on the Rosary’s mysteries and pray together.


Council of Catholic Women, Archdiocese of Washington
Join Us! Become a member of CCW-ADW

Here are some of the things you might be interested in...

Follow us on Facebook!  WashACCW



Council of Catholic Women, Archdiocese of Washington


President:  Cheryl Holley

Vice President: Carol Monaco

Secretary:  Althea Holland

Treasurer:  Elizabeth Mariani



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 National Eucharistic Revival

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Washington D.c.

Saturday, June 8th

On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will have a public Mass and Procession in D.C. All are welcome! The Mass will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at 8:00 a.m. The procession will begin following the Mass. 

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington will also have a stationary pilgrimage for those with limited mobility, or other disability, at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine at the same time as the walking Procession.

Please register by June 1, 2024.

For more information, go to ADW pilgrimage page

Council of Catholic Women - Archdiocese of Washington

3rd Annual Meet and Greet

Sunday 30 June 2024 10am - 2pm

The Council of Catholic Women—Archdiocese of Washington cordially invites you to our 3rd Annual Meet and Greet on Sunday, June 30, 2024.  Time: 10 AM- 2 PM.  Come and share in worship and fellowship at our sister parish,St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, 16922 Saint Peter Claver Road, St. Inigoes, MD 20684
Rev. John Patrick Tindana, Pastor
Tickets are free. To help defray the cost, we ask for a donation of $10.00 per person to be made payable to CCW-ADW


Mail payments to Elizabeth Mariani, 15008 Sunflower Ct
, Rockville MD 20853
RSVP by June 15, 2024. Transportation may be provided.
“Let’s Keep the Fires Burning throughout ADW”!!
For more information, email us

ADW Office of Family Life

Marriage Prep Programs

Marriage Preparation Classes

Marriage preparation classes are available frequently in the Archdiocese of Washington. Please meet with your local parish priest or deacon to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony at least 6–12 months before your wedding date and prior to registering for a Marriage Preparation class. Our next class is scheduled at St. Elizabeth in Rockville, MD on July 20 & 27. Click here to view the full schedule for all our marriage preparation classes in English or Spanish on the ADW website. To register, email or call the Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4499.


Empieza el 9 de junio, preparación matrimonial en español

La Parroquia de San Juan Bautista de la Salle, situada en Chillum, MD, ofrecerá una clase presencial de preparación matrimonial en español en cuatro domingos consecutivos: 9, 16, 23 y 30 de junio 2024, de 8:30 am a 2:00 pm. Por favor, antes de inscribirse converse con el sacerdote o diácono de su parroquia que les está preparando para el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Para más información o para inscribirse por favor llame a la Parroquia San Juan Bautista de la Salle al 301-559-3636 o envíe un correo electrónico a

Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center

Retreat Programs

Three to Get Married Marriage Prep
 June 6-9 (in-Person)

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $375 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today!

Find more information on the OLBRC website or call 301-365-0612

Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817 

NCCW's Resources to Pray for Our Clergy

Click here

Archdiocese of Washington's
Council of Catholic Women
Welcomes You

CCW - "Connecting Catholic Women"

RC halleluliah.jpg

The Council of Catholic Women- Archdiocese of Washington
responds to the needs of the Church and society through a focus on spirituality, leadership, and service. The CCW-ADW hosts service events, liturgies, educational conferences and more
President: Cheryl Holley
Vice-President: Carol Monaco

Resources to learn more about the Council of Catholic Women and it's history

From our national organization (NCCW):
Download PDF Document "NCCW Who We Are"

Watch the "We Are NCCW" video to find out about Council of Catholic Women and our National organization

Volunteer with Catholic Charities D.C.

Catholic Charities seeks community-oriented, enthusiastic volunteers to work with us across our various programs. We have positions appropriate for recent grads looking to gain experience, retirees who want to keep their skills sharp, stay-at-home parents looking to set a good example for their kids, and everyone else in between. Volunteers support us in our efforts to give help that empowers and hope that lasts. They bring the love and support that makes our programs so successful!


You can learn more on Catholic Charities Volunteer Homepage: here


Catholic Charities is Looking for Volunteers!

We are seeking kind, knowledgeable, and committed people to bring hope that lasts to people who are receiving help from Catholic Charities.

Volunteers enhance Catholic Charities services through their consistent presence and dedication. 

During Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023) 3640 people volunteered with Catholic charities. The volunteer doctors, nurses, attorneys, mentors, ESOL instructors, food distributors, farmers, food packagers, financial services professionals, people sharing their faith, and so much more, contributed 75,141 hours of service.

Thank you!


Information and applications are here: Call for Volunteers!.


Catholic Charities Washington, DC

Volunteer to serve at St. Maria's Meals

Wednesdays, 5-6 pm  Hickey Center, 924 G Street NW, Washington DC

Details can be found here

Donation requests for those in need

 Catholic Charities Care Packages

Care packs are a meaningful and flexible volunteer project for groups or individuals that want to support Catholic Charities clients and programs. Our programs have developed wish lists of care packs they hope to give each client that enters their program. 

Find more information here


The Little Sisters of the Poor at the Jeanne Jugan Residence

serves the elderly poor of every race and religion in the Washington D.C. area.  Businesses and individuals can donate needed items such as food, personal care items and office supplies.  Donations can be dropped off at the front desk

The list of currently needed supplies is here

phone: 202-269-1831        


Little Sisters of the Poor/Jeanne Jugan Residence, 4200 Harewood Road, NE, Washington, DC 20017



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