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Upcoming Events




Starting Monday 30 January 2023, 7-8 pm   CCW-ADW Online Series: "Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist"

The Catholic Church is amid a Eucharistic Revival. Our Lord invites us to return to the source and summit of our Faith—The Holy Eucharist. For this journey, the Council of Catholic Women-Archdiocese of Washington will be hosting a special series: Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist.  Starting Monday, January 30, we will host this Augustine Institute based, virtual series from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. You can join CCW-ADW for the free virtual webinar every other Monday night and come for just one session or come to all ten.     More information can be found on the flyer for the webinar.  Register for the series (coming soon)


Friday-Saturday December 2-3, 2022 3-8 pm   Resurrection Parish Burtonsville, MD     "Winterfest and Craft Fair"

The parish’s major fundraiser of the year the Winterfest and Craft Fair will be held Friday, December 2, 2022 from 3:00-8:00 pm and Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 9:00-3:00 pm. The 2-day event is held in the Amadeo Room and the Parish Life Center.We will be required to comply with all the Federal, State, County and Church rules and regulations in existence at the time of the event.
More than 70 crafters and vendors participate and sell a wide variety of items including jewelry, candles, handcrafted purses, hand-crocheted items, hand-sewn totes, table runners and placemats, and floral arrangements, to name a few. Resurrection tables offer homemade baked goods, wine, and White House Christmas Ornaments.  For more information go to Resurrection's parish website

Tuesday December 4, 2022 10:00 am - 2:00 pm   "Preparing for Advent with Mary:  The Expectant Mary"

Let's travel with Mary this season to help alleviate our own expectations in these uncertain times to meet the "God of Surprises", and to cling to the sure expectation that our salvation has and is coming in the form of baby Jesus, the Christ child. Offered & facilitated by Patricia Gardner, author of "Traveling with Mary"
RSVP by Nov 29th - Email or call 202.529.1111 to RSVP. 

Cost: $35 includes lunch.  More information can be found at the WRH website

Flyer for event

Saturday December 10, 2022 11:00 am Walk, 2:00 pm  Annual Walk With Mary

The Archdiocese of Washington invites you to the annual Walk with Mary procession and Mass to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, which will take place on Saturday, December 10, 2022. The gathering for the procession will start at 11:00 am at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart (16th St. & Park Rd., NW), and the procession will conclude at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (4th St. & Michigan Ave., NE). Following the praying of the Rosary at 1:00 pm, Mass at the Basilica will begin at 2:00 pm, with Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory as the principal celebrant and Bishop Mario Dorsonville as the homilist. For more information contact, the Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach via email at

Sunday December 18, 2022 3:00 pm CCW-ADW December Tea "Advent of Joy by Way of the Eucharist"

As we prepare to celebrate the first coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, let us come together in fellowship with the Council of Catholic Women-Archdiocese of Washington’s virtual Tea & Reflection on Sunday, Dec. 18, starting at 3 p.m. CCW-ADW invites you to attend Advent of Joy—By Way of the Holy Eucharist. For more information see December 2022 Tea Flyer

For free registration:  Register for the Tea



Saturday November 20, 2022, 3 pm  CCW-ADW Monthly Virtual Tea  "Celebrating Black Catholic History - Acts 8:26 -40"

November is Black Catholic History Month, a time when our Church in the United States celebrates the rich history and proud heritage of Black Catholics.Join us on Sunday, November 20, 2022 for our virtual “Afternoon Tea”.  when Rev. Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, Academic Dean, Josephite Seminary, will break open  the word of God and share his sacred gifts with us.You don’t want to miss this free event!   Time: 3:00pm EST (Zoom Doors Open: 2:45pm EST). For questions  email       November Tea Flyer
Register for the Tea


Tuesday November 29, 2022, 12:30 - 2:00 pm  "What Made Me, Me? Understanding How Your Identity Developed Over a Lifetime"  Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat House

Why do people do what they do? Deepen your own self-awareness and discover the psychological and spiritual narrative of your life. Learn how your childhood has helped shape who you are today. This new workshop series will lead you through the psychological and spiritual development of a person during each stage of life. Over the course of these workshops, you will see how each stage of development – from Early Childhood through Adolescence -- shaped the person you are today. Presented by Dr. Kathleen Musslewhite, Executive Director of the Alpha Omega Clinic, the series will run monthly on Tuesday afternoons: Nov 29, Jan 31, Feb 28; each session duration: 12:30-2:00pm (following Noon mass.) The cost for each session is $60 per person, or sign up for the entire series for $180 per person. Come to all or some. This program is a collaboration of Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center with the Alpha Omega Clinic, both located at 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. Find more information and links to register on our website:



October 1 2022 4:30 p.m. ET   Mass in Awareness of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

You are invited by Catholics for Family Peace to the Vigil Mass on October 1st at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.,400 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20017. Participate in the the 6th National Observance of "Domestic Violence Awareness Month." Most Reverend Bruce Lewandowski, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Baltimore, will be the presider and homilist. Educational resources will be available. Please arrive by 4:15 pm.

October 3 - 5, 2022 7:00 p.m. ET   33rd Annual East of the River Fall Revival "We have come this far by Faith"

The Southeast Deanery and Partnering Churches Present the 33rd Annual East of the River Fall Revival  "We have come this far by Faith"    October 3, 2022 through October 5, 2022.  Starts at 7 PM with Praise and Worship.  This is a Live and Virtual event that is  hosted by and live streamed from  St Luke Catholic Church, 4925 E. Capitol Street, Washington DC 20019.  The revivalists will be:
Monday, October 3, 2022  Rev. Monsignor Raymond G. East, Pastor, St. Teresa of Avila, Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 4, 2022  Rev. Patrick A. Smith, Pastor, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Washington, DC
Wednesday, October 5, 2022  Rev. Raymond B. Kemp, Professor, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
To join the Revival Live Stream, please go to the East of the River Revival Facebook page  

For more information see the 2022 East of the River Fall Revival flyer.  

October 3, 2022  6:30 p.m.  Night of Reflection: “The Luminous Heart: How Mary and the Eucharist Change the World”

In honor of the Month of the Rosary - October 2022, Saint Andrew Apostle Women’s Ministry is sponsoring  a Night of Reflection on Monday, October 3, 2022 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at St Andrew Apostle Church, 11600 Kemp Mill Rd Silver Spring, Md 20902.  The evening will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a reflection given by Father James Brent, O.P. who is an assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Dominican House of Studies.  The title of the reflection is “The Luminous Heart: How Mary and the Eucharist Change the World. ” The opportunity for confession will be available.  No registration required.

October Night of Reflection Flyer .  More events may be found at the Saint Andrew Apostle Women’s Ministry website.

Oct 6 - 9   Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's Virtual "Three to Get Married Marriage Prep"

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today!  In person dates also available  

Sep 15-18 / Oct 6-9 / Dec 8-11.   Find more information on OLBRC website 

Oct 22   St Hugh of Grenoble Sodality Day of Reflection "The Message of Fatima and Living Fatima in the 21st Century"

The St. Hugh of Grenoble Parish  Day of Reflection, will be held at St Hugh of Grenoble Parish (135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770) on  Saturday October 22, 2022from 9:00 to 12:30.  Becky Bailey, a parishioner at St. Hugh for over twenty-five years, will be the speaker.   She has been actively involved in youth ministry for fifteen years and has been a catechist in the school of religion for eight years.  The event will be hosted by the Sodality of Our Lady.  There will be a light breakfast and participants are asked to bring a bag lunch.  No fee required. Donations will be accepted to support our parish ministries.  Futher schedule details can be seen on the event flyer.

Sunday, Oct 23  3 pm EST   CCW-ADW Monthly Tea "Seven Ways the Church Responds to Intimate Partner Violence, One Way You Can Help"

Join this Virtual Tea to learn the 30 year history of how the Church has addressed and continues to address intimate partner violence (IPV). IPV use to be called marital/spouse abuse but now also includes dating and elder abuse. Come learn what we've done and choose one thing you can do to promote safe, healthy relationships - free of abuse and violence.     Flyer for Oct Monthly Tea.  Sharon O'Brien, Ph.D., Co-founder and Director of Catholics For Family Peace: Education and Research on Abuse will be our presenter. She is a Past President of our Council and Past Province Director.  Email us at for the link to this free, zoom Tea CANCELLED

Wednesday October 26, 2022   Catholic Charities - Family Peace Online Workshop  "How to Help Friends and Family Suffering Domestic Abuse"

Families deserve to be safe and loved in their homes. Sometimes bad things happen in good families: yelling, hitting, insults, threats to harm someone, not sharing income. If you have friends or family who are experiencing or using these behaviors at home or are living in fear, change is possible. Come to this Catholic Charities workshop and learn how you can help families suffering abuse.  Workshop flyer

More information is available at the Family Peace website.   To register for this workshop email

24/7 National Domestic Abuse Hotline number: 1 800 799-7233

Oct 31 through Nov 2   CCW-ADW's Rosary for Peace in Our Communities

Let us come together in prayer for healing and prevention as horrible mass shootings and all violence in our communities tear at the heart of humanity. Please join the Council of Catholic Women-Archdiocese of Washington in praying the Rosary, starting on October 31st and concluding on All Souls Day

You can signup at Rosary For Peace and select one or more 30-minute slots during which you will commit to pray the Rosary and any other prayers of your choosing.  Suggested intentions for the Rosary can be found in Rosary Meditations for Peace in Our Communities

In the coming weeks and months, the CCW-ADW Peace Builders Committee is pursuing the following initiatives:
*   Establish a nationwide perpetual Rosary for healing of all people impacted by violent crime.
*   Hold a day of prayer and reflection with the Celebration of Mass to bring peace to our communities
*   Call on every pastor to offer up the prayer intention at daily Mass

to change the hearts and minds of individuals who would commit such violence.
*   Encourage communities to hold interfaith and outdoor prayer services for peace.
*   Advocate and track local, state, and federal initiatives

to improve safety in our communities and prevent violence.
We hope you will join our efforts to bring peace to our communities. For more information about the Peace Builders Committee and these initiatives, please contact CCW-ADW at 

Thank you and God bless you!



September 10, 2022 9:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. ET   Spiritual Retreat for Grieving Parents

If you are grieving the loss of a child, no matter the age of your child, how long ago your child died or the cause, we invite you to attend. This one-day retreat, hosted by St. John Neumann Parish (9000 Warfield Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20882) and sponsored by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life and Emmaus Ministry, centers on the spirituality of the grieving process and will give you the opportunity to focus on your spiritual journey after the loss of your child.  Spiritual Director: Father Robert Kilner $20.00 per person Register at: For more information, call the Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email Flyer for Grieving Parents Retreat

September 14, 2022 Mid-Week Gathering for Grieving Parents

The Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life and Emmaus Ministry are hosting a virtual one-hour monthly mid-week gathering on Wednesday, September 14 from 8pm – 9pm for anyone who has lost a child, no matter how old the child or how long ago the child passed.  To register, please click here .  For more information, call the Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email

September 17, 2022 25th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Our Mother of Africa Chapel, National Shrine

 Join the National Black Catholic Congress in Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Our Mother of Africa Chapel.  Events which include a celebration of an Anniversary Mass, a talk on the Mother of Africa Chapel, a Rosary and a tour, begin at 1:00 PM EDT in the Upper Church at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington DC 20017).  The Celebrant for the Eucharistic Liturgy is NBCC President, Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr.   More details on the 25th Anniversary Celebration Flyer.                    Please register for this free event by September 1.

September 23-25, 2022 Washington Retreat House's Fall Yard Sale

Inside   *   Weather Resistant   *   HUGE selection
Enter through the garage and bring your mask.   IF ANYTHING IS LEFT...ON SUNDAY THERE WILL BE                                            
A SPECIAL “Sack-it-to-ya” price per bag, starting at 10 a.m. till it’s over!! Friday Sep 23 to Sunday Sep 25   8 AM – 2 PM each day
Washington Retreat House    4000 Harewood Rd NE       Washington DC  20017

September 24, 2022 Commemoration of the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz

Commemoration to be held at Washington Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle 1725 Rhode Island Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20036 The Most Rev. Mario E. Dorsonville, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington will be the Principal Celebrant and Homilist
Procession and Rosary Prayer 4:30 p.m. ET  -   Mass Celebration 5:30 p.m. ET  This event is sponsored by the Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach in collaboration with the DC Filipino Catholic Community.  Short biography of San Lorenzo Ruiz      Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz flyer
For more information, contact us at 301.853.5335 or at cultural

September 28, 2022 USCSAHT Book Club September 2022 - Walking Prey

The U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy to eradicate modern-day slavery.   Join them for a discussion of their September's Book-Club pick -  "Walking Prey”  by Survivor Holly Austin Smith. Read her amazing book during August and September. Then join USCSAHT for a very special "Meet the Author" on Wednesday, September 28th at 7pm EST. The book is available on Amazon.         Book Club Registration Link            Also, for your creative teen...

USCSAHT presents the St. Bakhita Youth Human Trafficking Video Contest  A great opportunity for high school students to learn more about trafficking and share with us their creativity in a 3 minute video. The deadline has been extended until March 30th, 2023. Cash Prizes!          Human Trafficking Video Contest Information


August 5-7 Silent Retreat Weekends For Women This Summer! 

Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.  

We encourage you to spend a summer weekend growing in your faith and become spiritually stronger. Explore your mission in life and experience His Presence in the silence! These retreats are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Registration is required. Cost: $250 per person. Find more information and links to register on the OLBRC website 

August 20, 2022 Celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony 

The 1st annual Celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony Mass will be held on Saturday, August 20th at 9:30 am at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. This Mass will celebrate all couples who provide a Catholic witness to the beauty of the Sacrament of Matrimony. Jubilarian anniversaries will still be honored in a special way during this Mass.  Mass will be recorded and posted on the Archdiocesan website. Please contact your parish office to register. For additional information contact the Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email

JULY 2022


July 29-31, 2022 2022 D.C/Maryland Life-Giving Wounds Retreat - Life-Giving Wounds ministry

The Life-Giving Wounds retreat is a three-day healing retreat for young adults and adults whose parents have divorced or separated. will be held at the Holy Family Seminary in Silver Spring, MD 20904. The retreat begins on Friday, July 29 at 7:00 P.M. and ends on Sunday, July 31 at 3:30 P.M Early-bird registration rate is $150 for adults and $75 for college students or consecrated persons until July 14th.  Must be 18 or older to attend.  Flyer for retreat

July 23 & 30, 2022 Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Class

St. Elizabeth Parish, 917 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD will be offering an in-person marriage preparation class for two consecutive Saturdays on July 23 & July 30 from 8:30am – 5:00pm.  Please meet with your parish priest or deacon who is preparing you for the sacrament of matrimony prior to registering.  To register, email or call the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4546.

July 24, 2022 World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly

Pope Francis instituted the Church-wide celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly every year on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. The theme chosen for this year is "In old age they will still bear fruit" (Psalm 92:15) and intends to emphasize how grandparents and the elderly are a value and a gift both for society and for ecclesial communities. All parishes are encouraged to celebrate the grandparents and elderly in their parish community at one of the weekend Masses on July 24, 2022. Click here to obtain additional information, or contact the Office of Family Life at or call 301-853-4546.


JUNE 2022

June 4, 2022 Commemoration of the Saints of Africa  -  St Joseph Parish, Upper Marlboro

All are invited to the Mass in Commemoration of the Saints of Africa at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church (2020 St. Joseph Dr., Upper Marlboro, MD 20774) on Saturday, June 4, 2022. The Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell Jr., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, will be the principal celebrant and homilist. The celebration will begin at 4:00 p.m. with the prayer of the rosary, praise, and worship, followed by the Holy Mass.  More information at St. Joseph Parish website

June 19, 2022 Commemoration of Juneteenth  -  St Joseph Parish, Upper Marlboro

All are invited to join us for a special Mass in celebration of Juneteenth at St. Joseph Catholic Church (2020 St. Joseph's Dr., Upper Marlboro, MD 20774) on Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell Jr. , Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, will be the principal celebrant and homilist. For more information contact, the Office of Cultural Diversity and Outreach via email at  Flyer for event

June 29, 2022 Introduction to Natural Family Planning Class

Couples interested in learning about Natural Family Planning are invited to join in a virtual class on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 from 7pm – 9pm.  Click here to register.  For more information, contact the Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or

June 22-26, 2022 Online Event “Family Love:  a Vocation and a Path to Holiness.”

Participate in the X World Meeting of Families from June 22 – 26, 2022  “Family Love:  a Vocation and a Path to Holiness.”  This international meeting will gather Catholic leaders from around the world in Rome, Italy, for days of prayer, catechesis, and celebration of the gift of marriage and family.  Families are encouraged to participate and to follow this international event live by clicking on World Meeting of Families' website link.  For additional information, please contact the Office of Family Life at or call 301-853-4546.


June 16-19, Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's Virtual "Three to Get Married Marriage Prep"

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today. Find more information on OLBRC website

MAY 2022


Thursday May 5 and Friday May 6, Washington Retreat House "Marion Meditation"

Come meet Patricia Gardner author of Traveling with Mary through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.  She is engaging, spirited, and insightful.  Her book is so appropriate for our Marian spirituality.   Her presentations,  using Ignatian spiritual exercises, will help deepen our relationship with Our Blessed Mother this May.  Make this your May Retreat Day!  Suggested donation is $15, but all are welcome. Available dates: ( come to one or all 3!)   Thursday, May 5, 11-3pm (including Marian meditation, lunch, and presentation)  Thursday, May 5, 6:30-8:30 pm or Friday, May 6, 10am-noon.  Please RSVP by filling out the form on WRH website (Scroll down) or by reaching out to us at

May 9 – 21, 2022 Upcoming Archdiocese of Washington Marriage Preparation Classes

The Office of Family Life will be offering a hybrid marriage preparation class that will meet virtually from 7:00pm – 8:30pm on the following dates:  May 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20 and in-person at Ascension Parish 12700 Lanham Severn Road, Bowie, MD 20720 on Saturday, May 21 from 12:00pm – 5:30pm.  Please meet with your local parish priest or deacon who is preparing you for the sacrament of matrimony prior to registering.  To register, email or call the Archdiocesan Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4546. Click here for the schedule of other upcoming marriage preparation classes in English or Spanish 

May 13, 2022 Personal Retreat Days - Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing.  Call 301-365-0612 or visit OLBRC website to register and to find more dates.   Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.


Wednesdays May 25 – June 15, 2022 A Virtual and In-person Spiritual Series for Women:

" Real Presence: What Does It Mean and Why Does it Matter?

The Archdiocesan Office for Family Life is co- sponsoring a virtual/in-person spiritual series for women with the Council of Catholic Women, exploring the mystery of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The sessions are scheduled for Wednesdays May 25, June 1 and June 8, 2022, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. A final in-person meeting will be held June 15, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.    We will be using the book and discussion guide:  Real Presence, What Does It Mean and Why Does It Matter by Timothy P. O’Malley, published by Ave Maria Press.  The fee for all sessions is $15.00, which includes lunch. Participants are responsible for getting their own book through the following link: or by calling (800) 282-1865.  For more information, contact the Office for Family Life at 301-853-4546 or    FLYER for series

All in-person meetings will be held at:  St. Matthias Catholic Church, 9475 Annapolis Rd, Lanham, MD 20706:

Register online at

APRIL 2022


April 7, 2022 Personal Retreat Days - Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing.  Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817  To register and to find more dates call 301-365-0612 or visit OLBRC website  


April 9 "At the Well" A Virtual Lenten Morning of Reflection

St. Aloysius Parish in Leonardtown, MD will be hosting a virtual morning of reflection for separated or divorced Catholics on Saturday, April 9 from 9:00am – 10:30am via Zoom.  We will be reflecting on the encounter of Jesus and the Samaritan woman in the story of the Woman at the Well, and how to apply Jesus’ teachings to those who have gone through divorce or separation.  To register or for more information, please email

April 9-10 Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's Lenten Retreat Weekend for Women (In person)

Grow in your faith and become spiritually stronger this Lent. Explore your mission in life and experience His Presence in the silence! Silent retreat weekend with overnight and commuter options to attend. Registration is required. Cost w/ overnight: $250 per person;  Find more retreats and links to register on OLBRC website Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center located at 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817

Sunday, April 24, 3 pm CCW-ADW's online April Monthly Tea "Care for Our Common Home"

Come to Council of Catholic Women - Archdiocese of Washington's April Online Tea Sunday 24 April 2022  at 3 pm.   April's topic is Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Sí (Praised be to You) and we will be discussing questions like,  "What's Laudato Sí?  What does Pope Francis want us to know about the environment problems?   What does our church leadership ask us to do to address environmental problems?   How and what can I do to address the environmental problems the Earth faces? "  Come join us - the event is free and we welcome you!   Flyer for the Tea.  

Questions?  Email  Registration opens 22 March 2022.   Register for CCW-ADW April Monthly Tea

April 21-24, Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's Virtual "Three to Get Married Marriage Prep"

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today!  In person dates also available Mar 10-13 / Mar 24-27 / May 12-15.  

 Find more information on OLBRC website

Friday April 29,  Gabriel Network Gala 2022:  An Angel Friend Celebration

This year's gala  will be at The Atreeum at Soaring Timbers in Annapolis, MD on Friday evening, April 29th. Register now to reserve your spot for what is sure to be a wonderful evening of fellowship and celebration!  Tickets are $50 per person and will help to raise funds for our Helpline and Angel Friend Program. As part of the evening's theme, An Angel Friend Celebration, we will be paying tribute to our dedicated Angel Friend volunteers and their churches. Join us in honoring them and learn more about how our Angel Friends empower Gabriel Network moms to choose life!Attend From Home.  We encourage those who would like to attend virtually to register for an at home ticket so that we can count you among our guests and send live stream information. Online registration is free or you may choose to pay a small fee and receive a special dessert.   Whether in person or at home, we hope you will join us for a memorable evening!    Flyer is here . More information and registration here

Saturday April 30,  9 - 12  Women's Saturday Morning Reflection "...And So We Pray"

Sponsored by the Mothers of College/Career Age Prayer Group and St. John Neumann's Women's Ministry.    After Mass and refreshments, Catholic mom and author Maribeth Harper, will present a talk on the impact of culture on faith and the power of prayer for our growing children with faith-based real life applications to contemporary issues.   Book may be purchased online.  Reflection to be held at St John Neumann's Catholic Church, 9000 Warfield Rd, Gaithersburg, MD.  For more information email   Reflection flyer.   We will not need anyone to pre-register for this event... just come!

April 30, Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's Virtual "Three to Get Married Marriage Prep"

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today!  In person dates also available Mar 10-13 / Mar 24-27 / May 12-15.  

 Find more information

MARCH 2022


March 17, Workshop: "Control Is Not the Goal – Radical Acceptance of Reality" Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center

Learn how to feel stronger and healthier in a post-pandemic world by attending any or all of these workshops presenting talks and time to practice learning a new technique experientially. Presented by Dr. Kathleen Musslewhite, Executive Director of the Alpha Omega Clinic, the series will run on Thursday afternoons. Upcoming dates are  Mar 17, Mar 31, Apr 14, Apr 28, May 12; each session duration: 12:00-2:30pm and includes Mass and a light lunch. The cost for each session is $50 per person. Come to all or some. This program is a collaboration of Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center with the Alpha Omega Clinic, both located at 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. Find more information and links to register on OLBRC website  

March 10 – 24, 2022 Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Class, Gaithersburg

St. John Neumann Parish 9000 Warfield Road, Gaithersburg, MD will be offering a virtual marriage preparation class for 3 consecutive Thursdays, March 10, 17, 24 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  Please meet with your parish priest or deacon who is preparing you for the sacrament of matrimony prior to registering.  To register, email or call the Archdiocesan Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4546

March 11, March 29, 2022 Personal Retreat Days - Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing. Visit our website to register and to find more dates Or call 301-365-0612. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.

March 12, 2022 Archdiocesan Natural Family Planning Introductory Class
Couples interested in learning about Natural Family Planning are invited to join in a virtual class on Saturday, March 12 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.   For more information, contact the Archdiocesan Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or 

Register here

Saturday, March 19, 2022 11:30-4:30 St Joseph's Day Catholic Art and Music Festival, St Mary Mother of God Catholic Church, Washington, DC

On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, creative DC Catholics will celebrate the Patron Saint of Artisans by sharing their art!  All forms of creative works will be featured, including painting, poetry, sculpture, literature, architecture, film, music, theater, dance, photography, graphic design, and illustration.  Come support Catholic artists. See works featuring both religious and secular works at this family friendly festival.   You're invited to attend Mass, in the Extraordinary Form at 10 a.m., before the festival begins.      Attendance is FREE. Questions? Email us at  More information on our website


Saturday, March 19, 2022 1:00 pm  "Afternoon Reflection: Women Providing Healing and Promoting Hope" Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Women's Ministry

Guest Speaker: Sister Rita Michelle Proctor, OSP  Superior General of the Oblate Sisters of Providence. Lunch will be served.  Free Will Offering  To confirm your seat, kindly RSVP by Sunday, March 13, 2022  OLPH Church Panorama Room 1600 Morris Road, SE,  Washington, DC 20020  Event Flyer    For more information , contact Bonita Boulware

Sunday, March 20, 2022 CCW-ADW Virtual Monthly Tea: "Living Lent Well"Council of Catholic Women's March Tea features author Lynda Rozell, the Tin Can Pilgrim who sold her house, quit her job as a lawyer, and embarked on a full-time pilgrimage as a Catholic lay evangelist in an Airstream travel trailer.  Bring your cup of tea to this virtual event as we explore how to live Lent well.  Email or call 301-651-8190 for more information. Register for this free event,  See TinCan Pilgrim flyer

March 26 and Apr 2, 2022 Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Class, Silver Spring

St. Michael the Archangel Parish, 805 Wayne Avenue, Silver Spring, MD will be offering an in-person marriage preparation class for two consecutive Saturdays on March 26 & April 2 from 8:30am – 5:00pm.  Please meet with your parish priest or deacon who is preparing you for the sacrament of matrimony prior to registering.  To register, email or call the Archdiocesan Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4546.

Saturday March 26, 2022 "Global Meals for the Hungry"  Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Washington, DC

Our goal is to pack at least 35,000 meals to be delivered to the people, especially children, of Haiti or Puerto Rico. However, to achieve this goal, we must raise at least $13,150 for materials needed and the shipping costs. We have secured the assistance of “No Child Hungry,” a 501©3 organization to help us coordinate the event. There are 3 ways you can help:   1)  Make a tax-deductible donation (make checks payable to OLPH 2) Solicit tax-deductible donations from family, friends, co-workers and organizations or businesses you support (we will provide you with the sponsorship letter) 3) Become a volunteer to help pack the meals on March 26, 2022  Flyer is here. More detail here

If you would like to volunteer, or have question about volunteering please reach out to the following Core Team Members:

Cheryl  Holley      Nicky Wilkinson



Sunday, February 6  11:00 am EST  ADW Office of Cultural Diversity "A Mass to Celebrate Black History"Month

Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle,  Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC   All are welcome to join us on Sunday, February 6 at 11:00 a.m. as we celebrate a Mass marking Black History Month. The Most Rev. Roy E. Campbell, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, will serve as principal celebrant.  Mass to be celebrated both in-person and online.    See flyer for Mass here

Thursday, February 3  5:30 pm EST  Divine Mercy University Newman Lecture "The Difficulty of Moral Virtues"

The lecture will address the problem of those who have received the divine grace of infused moral virtue, but who often cannot easily perform the appropriate acts.  Fr. Giertych as served in the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household as Theologian of the Pontifical Household during the pontificates of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Register for Newman Lecture

Wednesday, February 9  3:00 to 4:00 pm EST  Virtual Webinar  "Walking with People Toward Healing"

Join a panel of experts as they discuss: overcoming the stigma of seeking help for mental illness, how to recognize the signs of mental health distress, ways to respond when someone turns to you, how to refer a person for help,resources for mental health ministry.

NOTE: This training offers 1.0 Continuing Education Credit. Course completion requirements - .

Co-sponsored by Catholic Charities USA, Catholics For Family Peace Initiative on Domestic Abuse, and the National Catholic Partnership on Disability.  More information

February 10-13  Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program  (In-person) workshop  presented by Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, Bethesda, MD

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today! Workshop is also available March 10-13 (in-person workshop) , March 24-27 (in-person workshop) and April 21-24 (In-person workshop)  For more information and to register please see OLBRC website


February 18-21  Archdiocese of Washington The Way Retreat for Survivors of Abuse

The Way is a free, 3-day guided meditation and prayer program for men and women. It is an opportunity for healing and prayer and for survivors to reflect on God’s plan for their lives the path to take to find answers to questions for which your heart, mind, body, and soul have been searching . This is where your healing journey begins. These three days of guided meditations and prayer crafted around the Stations of the Cross will show you the steps Christ took to overcome dread, confusion, deep hurt, betrayal and anger not only for his experience of abuse – which culminated in his death on the cross and new life in the Resurrection – but for your abuse as well. You can choose to walk The Way with him, learn his ways, transform your pain and suffering into a new life, the life God has always wanted for you but that the sins of another has disfigured in countless ways.  Please register by contacting Deborah McDonald at or 301-853-4466  

More information on ADW website

Sunday February 20, 2022  3:00 to 4:00 pm EST  CCW-ADW Virtual Monthly Tea:  Part 2 Black Catholic Liturgical Music in the Catholic Church

Come join us as Rawn Harbor continues to present the history and development of Black Catholic Liturgical Music in the Catholic Church.  For Part II, Rawn will pay tribute to the contributions of Rev. Clarence Joseph Rivers, known to many as the Father of Black Catholic Liturgy.  It was Fr. Rivers who led the singing for the first official high Mass in the United States with his powerful delivery of the Communion song 

“God is Love” - his first musical composition for liturgy    See  CCW Feb Tea flyer       Register for CCW-Feb Tea

Wednesdays 23 Feb - 2 Apr 2022 ADW Spiritual Series "The Real Presence"

The Archdiocesan Office for Family Life is co-sponsoring a virtual spiritual series for women with the Council of Catholic Women, exploring the mystery of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We will be using the book and discussion guide: Real Presence, What does It Mean and Why Does It Matter? by Timothy P. O’Malley, published by Ave Maria Press. We will meet virtually every Wednesday evening from February 23 to March 30 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm and conclude with an in-person gathering on Saturday, April 2 at St. Mary’s Church in Rockville.  The fee for all sessions is $15.00, which includes lunch. Participants are responsible for getting their own book and free discussion guide through the following link: Ave Maria's website or by calling (800) 282-1865.  For more information, contact the Office of Family Life at or 301-853-4546.  Series flyer is here. To register, click here.


February 26-27 2022 Strengthening Your Love:  Marriage Renewal Workshop

Presented by Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center in Bethesda, Md. The Christ-Centered Marriage Renewal Workshop for married or engaged couples looking to reconnect, repair, and re-energize their marriage and nurture emotional closeness in your marriage. Facilitated by an expert team of Catholic therapists, this workshop will offer a road-map for addressing sensitive issues, encourage healthy conversations framed in faith and guide you and your spouse toward forgiveness and re-bonding.  You will not have to “share” with anyone except your spouse. Cost: $400 per couple. Not an overnight event.  For more information and to register: OLBRC website



Jan 15-16 (commuter), Mar 4-5 (Overnight) 2022   Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center Spiritual Exercises Retreat for Women 

Preacher: Fr. Daniel Pajerski, LC We offer silent retreats for women that focus on the Gospels and the fullness of the Catholic faith, opening the soul to the transforming power of grace. Preached by Legionary of Christ priests, many of our retreats are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The general format of these retreats is comprised of guided meditations, private reflection, Mass, opportunities for confession and spiritual directionIf you have never been on a silent retreat or if this is your first time doing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, we recommend this classic two-night experience.Great for first-timers and those whose busy schedules won’t allow more than a weekend, this version is designed to walk you through the dynamics of the exercises with several guided meditations and conferences, as well as time for personal prayer. It's perfect for those who are learning to incorporate the program of life and a daily prayer routine into daily living.    Cost: $250 per person   Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817  To register go to OLBRC website 

Thursday, Jan 20 Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10 7-8 pm  Catholic Charities Virtual Workshop "Engaging Volunteers in Your Parish Ministry"

 Our Catholic Charities Parish Partners Program is offering a leadership training course on volunteer engagement: new ways to recruit and engage volunteers in parish ministry.  Would you like to learn new ways to invite parishioners into your health ministry?   Mrs. Margaret O’Neill, the Director of Volunteer Engagement for Catholic Charities currently has 7,000 volunteers!  She will share exciting steps we can all take to invite and engage more parishioners into your parish ministries. Come and network with other successful parish leaders. 

Participants will attend four Thursday workshops, one hour each.  Dates: Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3rd, Feb 10th from 7-8:00 pm by Zoom.  Registration limited to 25. To register and receive the Zoom link RSVP to or call (410) 535-3452

Flyer for Workshop

Saturdays January 22 & 29, 2022 Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Class (In-Person) 

St. Elizabeth Parish, 917 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD 20852 will be offering an in person marriage preparation class on Jan. 22 & 29, 2022 for two consecutive Saturdays from 8:30am – 5:00pm. Please meet with your parish Priest or Deacon who is preparing you for the sacrament of matrimony prior to registering.  To register, email or call the Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life at or 301-853-454

Thursdays Jan 20-Feb 10, 2022 7-8 pm Catholic Charities Virtual Workshop:  Engaging Volunteers in Your Parish 

Our Catholic Charities Parish Partners Program is offering a leadership training course on volunteer engagement: new ways to recruit and engage volunteers in parish ministry.  Would you like to learn new ways to invite parishioners into your health ministry?   Mrs. Margaret O’Neill, the Director of Volunteer Engagement for Catholic Charities currently has 7,000 volunteers!  She will share exciting steps we can all take to invite and engage more parishioners into your parish ministries. Come and network with other successful parish leaders. 

Participants will attend four Thursday workshops, one hour each.  Dates: Jan 20, Jan 27, Feb 3rd, Feb 10th from 7-8:00 pm by Zoom.  Registration limited to 25.  Workshop Flyer is here 

To register and receive the Zoom link RSVP to or call (410) 535-3452

Jan 21 / Feb 18 2022  Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center's - Take a Personal “Retreat” Day

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing. Visit OLBRC website to register and to find more dates or call 301-365-0612. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.


Thursday, Dec 9, 2021   At-the-Well's  Advent Evening of Reflection for Separated and  Divorced Catholics  

(Virtual Event)  7 - 8:30 pm EST  Sponsored by the ADW Office of Family Life.   Join the At The Well Community for the separated and divorced in an Advent Evening of Reflection when Fr. David Beaubien will lead us in a virtual Advent Evening of Reflection entitled: “The Mosaic of God’s Family.”  We will look at the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke’s gospels and see that God has fulfilled his promise of the Messiah’s birth through a variety of family arrangements. The first 10 registered participants will receive a copy of the“The Divorced Catholic’s Guide to Parenting” by   Dr. Lynn Cassella-Kapusinski.  There is a $10.00 charge for attending.  For more information contact the ADW Office for Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email    

See flyer here         Register for event here

Friday, Dec 10, 2021   ADW's Introduction to Natural Family Planning Class

(Virtual Event)  7 - 9 pm EST  Sponsored by the ADW Office of Family Life. Couples interested in learning about Natural Family Planning are invited to join in a virtual class.  This effective method helps couples to manage their fertility in a way that respects God and each other. Experts will present the science behind the key biological signs which women can observe to chart their fertility, how the many natural family planning methods work, and which method might fit for you. $10.00 fee for class.  For more information contact the ADW Office for Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email   Register for class here

Couples seeking to learn a specific NFP method are encouraged to visit any of the following providers: Couple to Couple League -  BOMA USA - Creighton Method - Marquette Method.

Sunday, Dec 19, 2021   3-4 pm CCW-ADW December Monthly Tea (Virtual) "Advent of Joy"

(Virtual Event)  As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let’s take time to come together for CCW-ADW’s virtual Tea and Reflect on:The Holy Trinity and Mary.  Because his Spirit had prepared Mary the Blessed Virgin, God the Father found the dwelling place where his Son and his Spirit could dwell among humanity. Together, we’ll explore how devotion to Mary enhances our heartfelt adoration ofGod the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.   Registration link here.


Saturday, Nov 13 4:30 - 6 pm,  Father Austus Tolton's Pathway to Sainthood"  (Virtual Event)

Tolton Ambassadors D.C presents An Evening of Fun, Facts, and Faith Speaker and Quiz Show from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST. This fun, fact-filled virtual event will provide information about the life, spirituality, and ministry of this saintly priest. It’s an event you do not want to miss!  For more information email    Please register for the event here

Saturday, Nov 13 2021 2 pm   St John Vianney Craft and Vendor Show,  Prince Frederick, Md   (In-person) 

Our much anticipated Craft Show, will take place on Sat., Nov. 13, 2021 from 9 am to 3 pm
Crafters registration begins Sept 6.  Vendor registration begins Aug 23 (first come, first serve).
Vendors send email on Aug 23 to to reserve your spot!
For full details visit the Craft & Vendor Show page here

Saturday, Nov 13  2-4 pm,  Trinity Missions Art Show and Sale "Art for Haiti"

Trinity Missions is holding an Art Show and Sale, Nov. 13-14 at the Father Judge Missionary Cenacle in Adelphi, MD (1733 Metzerott Rd. Adelphi, MD 2078).   Brother Richard McCann, S.T., has been a Missionary Servant of the Most Holy Trinity for over 55 years.  A talented photographer and painter, Brother Richard will share his works of art with friends and supporters to help raise funds for Trinity Missions’ work with the poor and abandoned in Haiti.  Come browse colorful paintings created in oil, acrylic, pastel and charcoal. Matted and mounted prints available for in-person or online purchase.  Must be vaccinated to attend.  For more information visit Trinity Missions website here

Saturday, Nov 20, 2021 12-5 pm Online Program "Sister Thea Bowman FSPA: Advocate and Voice for Her People"

In 2018, the Catholic Church declared Sister Thea Bowman, FSPA, a Servant of God - the initial step toward sainthood. Learn more about our beloved Sr. Thea and support her cause for sainthood through prayer, fundraising, and raising awareness.   To God be the glory!  

This zoom event is FREE.    Register now at the following link – and share with others! Link is here

Saturday, Nov 20, 2021 4:30 pm    Mass for Black Catholic History Month

Nativity Catholic Church     6001 13th St NW, Washington DC 20011

4:30  Praise and worship by the Archdiocesan Gospel Mass Choir Howard University and Beacon Liturgical Dance Ministry

5:00  Vigil Mass   Celebrant: Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr. Auxiliary Bishop of Washington


Sunday, Nov 21, 3-4 pm CCW-ADW November Monthly Tea (Virtual) "Black Catholic Liturgical Music - Early Years"

To celebrate Black Catholic History Month, come join Rawn Harbor composer of "Psalms of the Soul" (OCP) in his presentation on the history and development of Black Catholic Liturgical Music in the years 1964 -1980.  During this period Mr Harbor was collaborating with with Fr. Clarence Joseph Rivers and was a musician and music instructor at St. Benedict the Moor Church and School, DC.  The music of the early years is informative for those unfamiliar with the background of the Vatican II mandate - especially the challenge given by Pope Paul IV in Kampala Uganda to "share the African (American) gift of negritude to the Church."  During this presentation, Mr. Harbor, who is currently the Music Director at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, will use the piano to share story and song, and present examples of history and liturgical adaptation to emphasize the importance of each of God's children, regardless of race or ethnicity, in the Catholic Church.  

Flyer is here              Link for registration here

Wednesday Morning or Evening Mini-Retreats for Women Resume at Our Lady of Bethesda!

(Evenings: Nov 17, Dec 15, Morning: Nov 18, Dec 16)

Join us  for a new season of Mini-Retreats for Women! This fall, we're going back to the basics of our faith and taking a deep dive into the theological virtues: FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE. These are the three attitudes of the heart that connect us directly to God and are the foundation of Christian life. In October, we begin with FAITH, and learn what it is, how to activate this gift and renew it in our heart. We'll also explore how to carry this 'light of faith' out into the ordinary circumstances of our lives. Each Mini-Retreat (evening or morning)  includes: Mass, directed meditation, a practical talk, and time for personal reflection, and a meal. Plus, this year we are adding Eucharistic Adoration, that will be ongoing throughout the retreat!  Cost is $20 per person. Advance Registration is required. Babysitting will be available for the Morning Mini-Retreat. Visit our website to register  Hosted by the Women of Regnum Christi. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817.

Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021 ADW Spanish Marriage Enrichment Series: "Convivencia Matrimonial (Marriage Coexistence)"

Keys to enhance marriage; a virtual and face-to-face class at Christ the King Parish, Silver Spring, MD.  from 7pm to 8pm 

Celebrating the Year of the Amoris Laetitia Family, this marriage enrichment series entitled "Strengthening our Catholic Marriage in difficult times" will be offered virtually in Spanish for couples.  The sessions are led by Dr. Marco Randle and Dr. Maria Lourdes Batistón, Catholic marriage psychologists of international prestige who will join virtually from Argentina to facilitate these sessions.  For more information contact the ADW Office for Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email  

El tema de la sesión: Convivencia Matrimonial – Claves para potenciar el amor en la pareja en tiempos de pandemia.  Para mas informacion llame a la oficina de Vida Familiar al 301-853-4499 o envie un correo electronico a         Register for class here.


Saturday, October 2, 2021    Vigil Mass for Domestic Violence Month  

You are invited to the Vigil Mass on October 2nd as part of the 5th National Observance of "Domestic Violence Awareness Month". Most Reverend Roy Edward Campbell, Jr, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., will be the presider and homilist. Educational resources will be available. Please arrive by 4:15 pm.   Reservations required for attendance.  See flyer here

You can register here   or for more information please click here

Sundays, 2-3 pm, Sisters in the Spirit Virtual Book Club "Racial Justice in the Catholic Church"  

A 5 week virtual book club discussing Fr. Bryan Massingale's book and his in-depth research on this topic.  Sep 19, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 27, Oct 24.   Book may be purchased from the Josephite Center for $26.00 (  or 202 526-9270) 

More details on topics are in flyer here    Reservations required for attendance - please register here.   


Wednesdays Oct, 2021 "Save the Date: Healthy or Abusive? Teen Dating Abuse Awareness Workshop for Youth Group Leaders"            Two part workshop: Wednesdays October 6 and 20, 7-8:30 pm by Zoom.

Catholic Charities is inviting parish youth groups leaders, youth and adults, to attend a two part workshop about teen dating abuse.  Come learn how to identify signs of dating abuse and how to facilitate group discussions with teens about healthy and abusive relationships. Learn how to respond to a disclosure of abuse in a supportive way.  Learn resources teens can use to evaluate their relationships and find help. Key trainers will be from the Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse AWARE teen dating violence program.  To register and receive the Zoom link, email or call (202) 315-9440

Wednesday Oct 6, 2021  “How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God.”   8 pm

Rose Folsom, founder of Virtue Connection invites us to discover “How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God.”  We know God loves us. But it can be easy to get busy and forget — and start acting like everything depends on us. Join us on October 6 to discover how to ditch the “little voices” that say you’re not enough, and live your true identity as a Beloved Daughter of God.  Register here

Sunday, October 10, 2021    Holy League's National Rosary Rally 2021

Join a nationwide prayer for the nation's conversion.  The rosary walk assembles  at 2 pm at St. Peter's on Capitol Hill   For more details, see flyer here

Saturday/Sunday, October 9-10, 2021    Marriage Renewal Workshop: Strengthening Your Love

A Christ-centered weekend designed to offer practical tools that can help fos effective communication and emotional closeness in your marriage.  Make your marriage thrive, not just survive!  The expert speaker team includes Catholic psychologists, therapists, and priests who will offer their expertise and experience, plus they will be on hand the entire weekend to offer individual consultation, upon request. Please note: This is NOT an overnight program. Cost: $400 per couple. Seating will be limited to facilitate social distancing. Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, 7007 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817. See our website for more details about measures to limit exposure to illness, details about the program.  

Links to register:

October 17 3:30-4:30 pm  CCW-ADW October Monthly Tea (Virtual) - "3 Steps Parishes Can Take to Help Families Affected by Domestic Violence"

Come learn more about domestic abuse and how parish outreach can help save lives. Program to be presented by Laura Yeomans, Parish Partners Program Manager at Catholic Charities DC, Sherry Pollock, Vice President, Ladies of Holy Family Catholic Church Auxiliary Mitchellville MD, Elinor Metz, a mental health and marriage counselor.  For more information email:

Your zoom link will be emailed to you before the event.  Flyer is here

Eventbrite link for registration is here

October 29 Take a Personal "Retreat" Day (In-person)   presented by Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, Bethesda, MD

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing. Retreat also available  November 5 and Dec 10.  For more information and to register  please see website here


Wednesday September 8  NPC Headliners Luncheon: Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. – Cardinal Wilton Gregory

Wilton Cardinal Gregory, Seventh Archbishop of Washington and the first African-American Cardinal in the Catholic Church, will speak at a National Press Club in-person Headliners Luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be served in the Club’s Ballroom at 12:30 p.m. Remarks begin at 1 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer session ending at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $25 for National Press Club members and $45 for all other non-member tickets.  For more information and to get tickets, click here

Saturday September 11 at 9:30 - 12:00 am EDT   Virtual Workshop  "Triumph of the Cross: Leading With Agape Love"  

Join Sisters in the Spirit - Archdiocese of Washington who are celebrating their 20th Year at their  Triumph of the Cross celebration - Leading with Agape Love.  The keynote speaker  will be Dr. Diana Hayes, Emerita Professor Systematic Theology, Georgetown University Join us for prayer, praise and a lively discussion.  Cost is $15.00 per person. Deadline to purchase tickets is September 7, 2021.

For more information contact: Cynthia Morris   Click here for flyer.    To register, please click here

September 18  Retreat for Parents Whose Children are Away From the Church sponsored by the ADW Office of Family Life

“Gather all my Children Scattered through the World” Parents are invited to join St. Catherine and St. Ignatius Parish in Port Tobacco, MD for an in person retreat for parents whose children are away from the Church. The retreat will be held from 8:00am – 2:30pm and will include prayer, hope-filled talks, small and large group discussions, and witness talks. The cost of the retreat is $10.00 per person with breakfast and lunch included.  To register please click here

September 19 3:30-4:30 pm  CCW-ADW September Monthly Tea (Virtual) - “How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God.” 

Rose Folsom invites us to discover “How to Live as a Beloved Daughter of God.” With all our responsibilities, the people depending on us, illness, financial worries, and our growing to-do list, it can be easy to forget that BELOVEDNESS is the core of who we are. And that God loves each one of us as if we were the only one in the world. Our hope is in his eternal love for us, no matter what season of life or situation we are in. Rose will remind us how scripture and the saints cheer us on to live out our hope in God and will show us how to avoid three common traps that can steal our hope. "Hope" you can join us!        To register, please click here

September 25  Retreat for Grieving Parents sponsored by the ADW Office of Family Life

The Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life and Emmaus Ministry are hosting a retreat for parents who are grieving the loss of a child, no matter how old the child, how long ago the child passed or the cause. The retreat is on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 9:30am – 7:30pm at St. Patrick’s Parish Pastoral Center located at 4101 Norbeck Road, Rockville MD 20853 .

For more information call the Archdiocese of Washington Office of Family Life at 301-853-4546 or email

To register, please click here


August 26-29  Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program  (In-person) workshop  presented by Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, Bethesda, MD

The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Program is a Catholic Pre-Cana program for seriously dating and engaged couples. This marriage preparation course is an intensive preparation experience true to the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Convenient one-weekend schedule. FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per couple. Space will be limited and these weekends fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today! Workshop is also available September 23-26 (in-person workshop) , October 28-31 (in-person workshop) and Nov 11-14 (virtual workshop)  For more information and to register please see website here

August 27  Take a Personal "Retreat" Day (In-person)   presented by Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center, Bethesda, MD

Are your days overcrowded, jam-packed, and busy, busy, busy? Jesus tells you to "Come away with me..." to Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center where your very own personal retreat awaits. During your personal retreat, from 8:30am-4pm, an experienced retreat director will guide you to a place of rest with Christ.  The retreat schedule allows for one-on-one spiritual direction (optional), quiet reflection, Mass, Confession and Eucharistic Adoration, plus continental breakfast and lunch, so you will be nourished and cared for while Our Lord speaks to your soul about the depths of His love for you. Cost is $120 per person.  Advance Registration is required, and registrations will be limited to facilitate appropriate social distancing. Retreat also available September 24, October 29 and November 5.  For more information and to register  please see website here

JULY 2021

July 13-15, 2021   Virtual Conference:  2nd Biennial Laudato Si' and the U.S. Catholic Church Conference 

Sponsored by Creighton University and Catholic Climate Covenant     Keynote speakers:  His Eminence Blase Cardinal Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago and Maureen Day, PhD, Assistant Professor of Religion and Society at the Franciscan School of Theology.   LSUS is a conference series to gather, equip, and inspire Catholics to integrate the climate change teaching of Pope Francis' Laudato Si’ into the U.S. Church. The conference will feature interactive breakout sessions in eight areas of the U.S. Catholic Church, including Creation Care Teams (especially at parishes and dioceses), Youth & Young Adults Ministries, and Parochial School Education. Conference is free and donations are accepted

For more information click here      To register click here

July 23-24, 2021   But Then Jesus - A Retreat for Women  from Encounter Grace

Friday July 23rd (6:30 - 9:00) and Saturday July 24th (6:30 - 3:00) St. Aloysius Parish Hall, Leonardtown, Md

This event has been planned to give you time - to take a breath, to refresh your mind, to make connections with other women and to renew your spirit. Throughout the day you’ll have the opportunity to hear from our speakers, spend time quietly reflecting on the message of each talk, and then share your insights and inspiration with other women. We’ve also built in time for Adoration and Confession as well as Praise and Worship sessions.

Our opening talk on Friday night, What It Means to Encounter Jesus In Our Lives Today, features Karen Doyle, live via Zoom from Sydney Australia. Saturday features 5 talks, presented by Laura K. Roland: Surrendering Your Surrender, Encountering Jesus In Prayer, Meeting Jesus Sacramentally, Finding Stillness & Walking With Others On Our Path To Holiness.  Tickets from $35 to $100

Tickets and more information here


JUNE 2021

Wednesdays  June 2, June 16, 2021 at 3 p.m. EDT  Webinar Series: Best Practices to Support Families Impacted by Intimate Partner Violence 

Professionals and interested public are invited to this free Webinar series because everyone can help end domestic violence through their professional roles and or personal engagement with their community. The no-cost 1-hour of Continuing Education Credit (CEC) can be granted to licensed counselors and social workers who complete regular requirements.  See flyer here

For more information, contact Vice President Ben Wortham

June 2:   "Effects of Domestic Violence on Children"          Register here

June 16:  "How to Help Survivors Assess Their Risk of Death (Lethality Assessment)"    Register here

June 11-13, 2021   Virtual Conference:  Mission of Joy

The Mission of Joy Summit is a Catholic, three day, virtual event organized by Jill Simons, Creative Director of Pink Salt Riot Faith Inspired Jewelry.  The conference has gathered more than THIRTY amazing speakers including Rose Folsom founder of Virtue Connection and Laura Roland founder of Encounter Grace.  The Talks will be centered around joy, nurturing a missionary mindset, spiritual growth, and cultivating healing and wholeness on the path to greater joy. Free ticket - talks available until 14 June. To see full schedule, click here.  To register for a free ticket click here

Saturday June 19, 2021 at 11 am - 1 pm EDT  Juneteenth Celebration: Black Hidden Figures of Yesterday, Today, and Our Future Tomorrow

Presented by the Archdiocese of Washington's Sisters in the Spirit featuring Liturgical Dance, Historical Re-enacments, Spoen Word, and Music.  For more information about registration click here

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